Why Was The Game Against Man Utd 'Unsafe'?

Last updated : 07 March 2018 By Footy Mad - Editor

Wor Flags will be back for Saturday’s game with Southampton after constructive talks with the club following the controversial banner that read out a famous quote from Kevin Keegan about Mike Ashley.

Image result for newcastle keegan bannerIt appears the club will allow the banners ... but won't accept any that slag off the owner!

Saturday’s display will be in the middle tier of the Gallowgate with the group estimating it as one of the biggest displays they have put on for the most important game of the season.

A huge foil display is planned and more details will be released later in the week but fans who sit in those seats are being asked to play their part and will be able to take home something that will be left on their seats on Saturday.

That follows talks with the club that have drawn a line under the fall-out from the banner which quoted Kevin Keegan and was pictured around the world following the 1-1 draw with Brighton on transfer deadline day.

Wor Flags weren’t present at the Manchester United game ... the club saying it was a safety issue rather than the club taking a stand against the group.

So what was so "unsafe" against Man Utd that wil be "safe" against Southampton?

Image result for newcastle mike ashley clownThe fact was ... with the game being shown live on TV ... 'Fat Bastard' didn't fancy being humiliated in front of millions of armchair viewers.

The group are also looking into the possibility of taking the displays on the road later this season and next.

A spokesman for the group said: “We had really constructive talks with the club and we’re delighted that we’ve got a display on Saturday. It will be one of our biggest yet.

“The whole idea of the group is to improve the atmosphere and make it a positive atmosphere for the players to play in because that is clearly helpful to the team and what Rafa Benitez is trying to do.”