Souness And The Mine Field

Last updated : 27 January 2006 By Footy Mad - Editor

Souness: "The pitch was okay on Tuesday, it looked fine. But there have been some heavy frosts in Cheltenham and they are forecast to continue.

"The club has put the covers on and we are hoping that it will be fine by Saturday lunchtime. But it is a worry, it always is when you go into the unknown in games like this."

But, to the club's credit, Cheltenham can boast one of the finest playing surfaces in the Football League and win regular accolades for the excellent condition of their prized pitch. Is Souness simply paving the way for another excuse should the worst happen?

Souness: "It will be a really difficult game and we have to understand that people like to see the big club come unstuck against the little club. I have been involved in games like this one before, where the players you are facing have their eyes popping out of their heads with adrenaline from the very first minute."