No plans to retire

Last updated : 10 November 2002 By Martyn Elliott

Last weekend The Journal carried a story that Sir Bobby was definitely retiring in May 2004, but offered little in the way of evidence to back this up.

But Sir Bobby has vehemently denied the story, saying: "It's rubbish. My chairman saw me about three days later, slammed the paper down and said: 'What about that? Where have they got that bloody story from?'

"I said: 'I don't know where that's come from chairman - my wife doesn't know! It's groundless.'

"I will retire one day but I don't know when, I've put no time scale on it. I'll know when I should pack it in but at the moment I feel fine.

"The Champions League whets my appetite. I like working at the top end of the game and with the young team we are trying to build here.

"I'm just not interested in talking about what I'm going to do or where or when I'm going to go. It's too far ahead.

"What I'm anxious to avoid and the chairman is anxious to avoid is that we don't get into a situation like Manchester United did.

"When Sir Alex said he was going to retire it sparked all sorts of conjecture.

"Suddenly, Marcello Lippi was coming to Old Trafford, Fabio Capello was coming, Sven (Goran Eriksson) was in the running and Martin O'Neill was going to be the manager.

"My club doesn't want that - they don't want any conjecture - and I don't want it either."

Its certainly good to hear that Sir Bobby has no plans to leave us just yet.