Transfer bids denied

Last updated : 04 January 2004 By Martyn Elliott

The Sunday Mirror claimed that United have already sounded out Saints about the availability of their comically-coiffured frontman, with a bid of £4million plus Carl Cort likely to be enough to seal the deal.

However, Southampton chairman Rupert Lowe told his club’s official website: "It is hardly worth dignifying the story with a response. We have had absolutely no interest from anywhere for James.

"If and when there is then we will deal with it but our players are not for sale. We are not a selling club."

The chances of Trabelsi ending up at St James’ Park seem equally slim, with his agent Franklin Sedoc telling Sky Sports:
"There has been no contact with Newcastle United and with all due respect to them, they may not be able to get him now - although you never rule anything out.

"He is an outstanding talent. He has a number of options in Europe, but he wants to play in the Premier League.

"He is going off to play in the African Cup of Nations and nothing should happen with him before that.

"Everything is up to Ajax anyway, but as we said nothing is expected until the summer."