Ashley Has One Passion - MONEY!
Last updated : 17 November 2008 By Footy Mad - Editor
It seemed as though he had written it while sat on the pot passing the time before a dump.
A weird story about how he follows England in the World Cup, is a passionate football fan, and how he "never ever supported Spurs" ... when we all know he did!

Then he told us, somewhere in the small print, that he will put Newcastle United first when he finds a new owner ... even if it means him cutting the price of the club.
And what a load of bollox that has turned out to be!
The man is Mr Greed!
And who says so?
Wigan owner Dave Whelan, who obviously has no time for Mr Ashley, because Whelan was the man who confirmed some time ago: "Mike Ashley a Newcastle fan? The last time I was talking to him he was supporting Tottenham!"
And now Whealan has accused Ashley of being "greedy" as he reportedly holds out for a buyer who will pay £250million for Newcastle.
Whelan: "If Mike Ashley will sell it for the right money, he will sell it next week.
"Now, is he being greedy? Yes.
"I don't think he has thought things through and I don't think he really appreciated just how passionate people are up there about their football.
"It is very difficult for someone who is not a Geordie to run that football club and I said to Mike Ashley: 'You are better off just getting your money back and stepping away.'
"You can't sack Kevin Keegan and expect the fans to get behind you.
"He will never be able to repair the damage between himself and the fans. Do that and you are down the pan.
"I told him, 'You're gone."'